Metal Gear Mondays — Tactical Podcast Action

MGM:R State of the Podcast

Metal Gear Mondays Season 2

Warren, Chris, and Tori discuss what's to come next from Metal Gear Mondays: Revengeance. Will 2021 bring guests to the conversation? Will there be some interesting new merch involving the likeness of Warren? Tune in to find out.

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Here's to you dear listeners and welcome back to another episode of Metal Gear Monday's

Revengeance where you'll find your favorite conversations around Metal Gear and Kojima

related content delivered to you through tactical podcast action.

Today's episode is going to be a what to expect or a sort of state of the podcast for 2021.

I certainly don't want to do this alone.

So with me is Tori Cortez.

How are we doing?

I'm so good.

I wouldn't dream of leaving you alone, Warren.

Thank you so much.

But also we're joined by Chris Hampton.

What's up man?

Yo, how's it going?

So not much, not much.

So 2020 is behind us.


I hope that that's a good thing.

So yeah, we just wanted to get sort of something out early on in the year just to be as upfront

and transparent as we can since that seems to be our brand.

And I sort of like that.

We obviously can't tell you guys what we're doing for the entire year just because if

2020 taught us anything, we can't make promises we can't keep with everything going on.

But the good news is that we have a lot of pre-production done that we basically can

probably tell you the next six months, which is really cool.

So we released our portable apps season teaser in early December and that will be dropping

pretty much early February and it will run all the way through the end of June, we'll

just say.

So it goes pretty much all the way through July.

Same exact format is Metal Gear Solid 3.

So we're going to do some gameplay and story focused episodes.

We are going to do character focused episodes as well.

However, I would like to say that there's as many sort of meaty characters and portable

apps, but we're going to do basically like a good guys and a bad guys episode.

So to break it down that way.

And we actually had a great conversation with Ryan Payton, who sort of has a lifeblood

as being producer and sort of helping with the Westernization with portable apps that

he sort of dropped the bomb on us that he wants to come back for multiple conversations

around the game.

So we're actually going to drop those with the episodes and just make sure make it part

of it as opposed to being like a separate interview.

So you'll kind of get that there.

Now the good news is those are not the only interviews we've done, at least so far and

hopefully to continue that tour.

Do you want to talk about some other fun stuff we've been doing?

Yeah, interviews galore hopefully for 2021.

Keep your fingers crossed.

At this juncture, we've recorded a few of them and you can look forward to hearing those,

you know, here and there.

We have no set schedule for them, but as it as it works out and as it feels right for

us to drop those, we will.

And hopefully we'll get more scheduled here soon.

I'm looking forward to and quite pleased to be getting back to this part of the show.

So hope y'all are just as excited about that as I am.

Yeah, and that would actually be part of why we're going to do the Portable App

season to drop in February.

So we already have a couple of interviews.

We're going to introduce for January just because I think something that we can all

agree between our crew is we they're recently recorded and we don't want to sit on

interviews for months and bring them out when it makes sense.

So we're sort of using that to get them out as fresh.

So the conversations feel a little more timely.

I think fingers who sorry, just dropped the name of who we interviewed, but he's talking

about the holiday break and things like that.

So obviously that wouldn't make any sense in April.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, we want to keep the yeah.

So right.

Yeah, exactly.

That's why we don't want to cook.

I like that adjective.

It's not bad, especially for an interview.

I like it.

But yeah, so and then also, I think it's just pertinent that something we bring up is just

we know 2020 was like wild for everybody and anybody that has been a listener through

2020, a lot of changes happened in 2020 between sort of a lot of changing of the guards, a

revamp, like a reboot of the show.

And, you know, we just wanted to take the time to make sure that we were at least efficient

and confident enough to give you guys a quality product so that now our our sea legs are sort

of behind us and our boots are on the ground.

Hey, Warren.

Yeah, are we guards now?

Is that what I heard?

I feel like we're the guards now.


What was that noise?

I'm so sorry.

I was I have had a couple too many of these holiday.

That went right over my head until the punch line.

You're welcome.


So, yeah, so, you know, Patreon, I got to say the patrons have been like super supportive,

and I will say that the feedback from the listeners and everybody just with a lot of

the changing over of everything, it is just been super great to hear that.

And we are planning on, you know, getting back to making sure we can release timely

quality audio organized.

Just even if we like or don't like a game, we at least did our homework and explain to

you why we do or do not like a particular video game in the Metal Gear Solid sort of


And with patrons, so we've been doing extra stuff for the patrons.

We had some timed exclusive merch.

So some merch you might see, guys, it might not make a lot of sense because sometimes

it's inside jokes, but part of that was because if you were a member of Patreon for a certain

time at a certain tier, you got free stuff.

So I think we're going to try to do a little bit more towards the merch side as well.

I definitely got I got an interesting picture from Sean that if you listen to the MGS three

season, you kind of all coming.

Yes, absolutely.

We are. We already promised that at the end of the subsistence season.

Y'all are nuts.

Look, all I'm saying is it includes me and I won't say how else, but look for that.

It's sort of look for that at slash MGM store.

Yeah, I have no shame.

I don't care.

So I'm just accepting it now.

But yeah, feel free to give that a look.

But as far as Patreon and stuff, Chris, do you have any any fun stuff you want to bring

up at least as far as some new Patreon stuff?


Ever the precocious one.

Yeah. So yeah, we got a few things, I suppose.

So if you're in the Discord, you know, if you get the monthly game club and patrons

vote on a game that we all play through as a group, December 2020 was Final Fantasy

six. We are about to have our discussion on that as of this recording.

So if you want to hop in on that, make sure you sign up on the Patreon and seeing

join the Discord.

And because of the popularity of this, we're going to start doing a movie club.

MGM goes to the movies.

So we'll set up a watch party and release monthly a monthly episode based on the episode

or excuse me, the movie that is picked by patrons in the Discord.

If the movie is adjacent to a Kojima thing or one of those like favorite film

lists of his or we feel it might be a solid influence on Metal Gear Design or

Story or something like that, we plan to release these in the main feed.

But otherwise, they'll just mainly be for patrons.

Yeah. And then, you know, we're still doing our our bi-weekly PCs on the off

weeks and just trying to find ways to engage.

I hope everyone enjoyed the trivia episode that we recently dropped.

I just like finding different ways to engage with people that really help support us,

because honestly, without the patrons, it would have been a rough year last year.

So thank you very, very much.

Thank you, patrons.

But yeah, so we just wanted to get something out real light and just so that everybody

knows what's coming. So like I said, we dropped some teasers.

We dropped some stuff.

We had mentioned things are going on, but this is basically our our accountability

podcast that we can at least let you guys know.

So we're going to again, so Portable Ops will be dropping early February all the

way through June with some fun stuff sprinkled in between.

We have some interviews that we've either already booked and had conversations

around or are already booked and will drop them as they are timely released.

And we have a bunch of fun stuff for the patrons and we are taking feedback.

So I do feel like a lot of that listener feedback of sort of rebooting the show

was a concept, a chronological piece was a concept, more engagement around.

So something like that, like we do more streams and watch parties like through

discord, which is like super helpful because sometimes, I mean, personally,

I'm an old guy in a sense, but Twitch scares me right now.

I love DMC nonsense.

And I just don't I don't want to have like, I don't want to put that on us

and patrons to have to deal with that when we have a platform.

We can engage and have a good time with, you know, our own means.

It's worked for us so far.

So we just want to keep building on that.

So if more people get involved, it's just more opportunities to do more

for the people that support the show.

But I feel good.

I don't know about you guys, but I think it's nice to have the first season done

2020 behind us.

And at least as far as me, I'll say that 2021 at least looks a little brighter

just because we had a lot of time to play the game, take the notes,

have conversations about it, get a schedule plan that made a lot of sense for us

so that everything's timely and stress free.

And that we can have more fun to do other stuff.

Like that isn't just necessarily the main line feed episode.

We do more stuff with patrons and social media and cage where things like that.

I don't know. I'm kind of excited for that.


So, yeah, this will be our first 2021.

Think it's time to let her ripjack.